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 Sukki Ho


 Sukki Ho

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Sukki Ho is a Associate Professor of Practice of the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (The PolyU). Her expertise is infection control nursing, teaching and research. She has contribution in nursing research with publications in the areas of N95 respirator fit test. Her doctoral research topic is related to infection control nursing care for chronically ill patients in the residential care homes for elders. Besides, she obtained the outstanding academic awards during her doctoral study in infection control specialty. Dr HO has reinforced and brought new information of the hospital infection control practice specific to the prevention of COVID-19 infection to the staff and students of The PolyU during COVID-19 pandemic. She obtained Faculty Award/ Prizes for outstanding achievement in services (Team member) from the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, The PolyU. She also serves as clinical coordinator of the Master of Nursing Programme.